I challenged myself to port my Ludum Dare 46 entry to as many consoles as I could during the jam's voting period. It went better than I expected and, by the end, the game was working on the PS Vita, Nintendo DS, Wii, GameCube, and PSP!
Download: https://polymars.itch.io/terri-fried
→ LD46 Jam Page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/46/terri-fried
→ Source code: https://github.com/PolyMarsDev/Terri-Fried
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolyMarsYT
0:00 Intro
1:53 Explanation of Base Game's Code
2:59 PS Vita
5:02 Nintendo DS
7:15 Wii
10:04 GameCube
11:23 PSP
13:47 DaNi RefeREnCe?
13:54 Conclusion
---Libraries used---
raylib: https://raysan5.itch.io/raylib
PS Vita
→ vitasdk (core): https://vitasdk.org/
→ vita2d (graphics): https://github.com/xerpi/libvita2d
→ SoLoud (audio): https://sol.gfxile.net/soloud/
Nintendo DS
→ libnds (core): https://libnds.devkitpro.org/
→ NightFox's Lib (graphics/audio): https://sourceforge.net/projects/nflib/
→ libogc (core): https://libogc.devkitpro.org/
→ GRRLIB (graphics): https://github.com/GRRLIB/GRRLIB
→ GRRLIB GameCube port: https://github.com/capz/GRRLIB
→ libogg sample (audio): https://github.com/devkitPro/wii-examples/tree/master/audio/oggplayer
→ pspsdk (core): https://github.com/pspdev/pspsdk
→ gLib2D (graphics): https://github.com/libcg/gLib2D
→ libmp3 sample (oh god): https://github.com/pspdev/pspsdk/tree/master/src/samples/mp3
"Killing Time" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Bit Quest" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Getting it Done" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"The Show Must Be Go" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Sneaky Snitch" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Getting it Done" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Cyborg Ninja" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Rocket" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Amazing Plan" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Super Friendly" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"Chipper Doodle v2" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)
"CHIPTUNE, BUT THICC Thick" - Evan King (https://evankingmusic.com)
"Killers" - Kevin Macleod (http://incompetech.com)