#nepalistory #nepalistorytelling #storytelling
Madhu Khadka- many know him as the viral sensation Sekuwa Budo, but what most don’t realize is that he’s also an earthquake survivor, a tech entrepreneur, and an IT engineer. During the 60th session of The Storyyellers, he shared his journey that is one of survival, reinvention, and discovering new passions—a story that proves no matter how hard life hits, you can always rise again.
Most of Madhu Khadka’s life decisions were driven by ego. When people started questioning his future—whether he would be able to achieve anything in life. His ego pushed him forward. He decided to study IT engineering, not out of passion, but to prove his worth.
It was during his college days, he found out about the Microsoft programs. Through conversations with other students, he realized that many had received grants and opportunities that he had no clue about. Frustrated, he confronted the Microsoft representatives. They encouraged him to apply, as new selections were coming up. His ego flared up again—he had to get in anyhow.
Determined, he approached his principal for a recommendation, who agreed to support him. During this process, he learned about the Imagine Cup, Microsoft's biggest software competition where the winner would receive funding and an opportunity to meet Bill Gates. Getting selected for the competition, he proudly out of ego shared the news with his mother, dismissing her belief in God. “God does not do anything. It’s me who achieved things on my own. I’m getting opportunities because of my own hard work,” he told her.
Though he ended up as the runner-up, his pitch impressed the panel so much that his team was invited to America for training. Initially a team of three, they now needed seven members. After selecting four more, they planned to meet on a Saturday to brief the new team members. That day, before the meeting, he once again told his mother how everything he had achieved was because of his own efforts, not God’s blessings.
On Saturday, they decided to have tea before the meeting. But as they were about to leave and one of their friends was paying the bill when suddenly—chaos erupted.
"Earthquake! Earthquake! Earthquake!" people screamed.
Before he could react, everything went black. That day was 12th Baisakh, 2072.
What happened next? Watch the full story to find out.
Supported by - ACCA Nepal
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