I Tested those 2 Ingredient, INSTANT Donuts! | Emma's Goodies Easy Donut Recipe
Donuts are one of my MOST beloved sweets of all time!! Homemade donuts are amazing but they take soo long to make. I am always on the lookout for an easy donut recipe. Emma's Goodies came out with these 1 Minute, 2 Ingredient Instant Donuts Recipe over a year ago. Emma's video has over 10 million views! This recipe is supposed to make quick and easy DONUT HOLES! (Donut holes are the best because there is variety!) Of COURSE I had to test this delicious looking recipe! Plus it looks super easy! Only 2 Ingredients to make these yummy donut holes?? Yes please.
#donuts #donuts recipe #emmasgoodies
Testing Recipes is one of my favorite things to do for you guys. All of us get a little anxiety I think when it comes to making a recipe for the first time. (Especially when your making it for guests.) So I test recipes for you all so you don't have to have that awful anxiety. I walk you through the recipe and at the end I give you my full thoughts and review of how easy the recipe was to follow and if it tasted good...or not so good. :D
I hope you all enjoy this video! Don't forget to Like, Subscribe and Comment!! Remember I am always looking for new recipe to try for you all!!
Here is a link to Emma's Recipe: