#iceagetrail #hiking #hikingtrails #virtualhike #virtualhiking
From the 270th Avenue Parking Lot Trailhead, the Ice Age Trail (IANST) works its way generally north for about 1.4-miles until reaching the western shoreline of McKenzie Lake. The trail follows the shoreline (with only limited views of the lake) for about 0.4-miles and then comes to 280th Avenue (a dirt road). There is a parking area just to the east at the McKenzie Lake Public Water Access. About 0.25-miles onward, you cross McKenzie Creek. After crossing the creek, the stream will mostly parallel the west side of the IANST. For the next 2.5-miles or so, the trail follows a wooded ridgeline well above the creek. The hike ends at the 300th Avenue Trailhead.
Total hiking distance for this section is about 4.6-miles. This section of the IANST is part of the 9.4-mile McKenzie Creek Segment.