$500 GEAR GIVEAWAY: https://youtu.be/ennpIqYWxzA
Make sure you're subscribed, like the video, and comment below to be entered in the $500 gear giveaway! First winner will be announced when we hit 12k subs, and will be giving away rods and reels for every 1k!
Use code KAE18 for 18% off everything on PISCIFUN.COM!
►BOOK A TRIP! | ksfishingguide@gmail.com (Guide trip inquiries only please)
►Website (Calendar & Availability updated daily!): https://www.kansasanglingexperience.com
Check Out These Videos!
-COMPLETE Livescope Install for My Dad!!: https://youtu.be/7j-_WWOVea4
-Double Jig Rig For Crappie: https://youtu.be/7EVa28J9y-Y
-Locating Winter Crappie w/ Garmin Mapping: https://youtu.be/_zCv3ZkFpIQ
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kansasanglingexperience/
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kansasanglingexperience/
Fox River Rods: https://www.foxriverrods.com/
Todd Huckabee rods: https://www.toddhuckabeerods.com/
Piscifun: https://www.piscifun.com/
Stowaway Mounts: https://www.stowawaymounts.com/
TH Marine Supplies: https://thmarinesupplies.com/
Elite Anglr: https://www.eliteanglr.com/
MOtion Fishing Co: https://www.motionfishingco.com/
Bink’s Pro Series Spoons: https://binkspoons.com/