#thebongparenting #follicular #tvs #folliculometry #follicularstudy
TVS Folliculometry : https://youtu.be/6Jlao8nwzG8
**Scroll down for more video links**
For Conception & Pregnancy Planning
Ovulation Calculation কিভাবে করতে হয়: https://youtu.be/qaRCDxslnH0
আপনার সঠিক ওজন কত হওয়া উছিতঃ https://youtu.be/UGzRBU_rH3U
কেন ওজন কমাতে বলা হয় : https://youtu.be/_ZPJJKRCpEg
Body weight controlএ আনার বিজ্ঞান সম্মত উপায়ঃ https://youtu.be/Rs-8Q3XsRjc
PCOS/PCOD তে কি করবো কি করবো নাঃ https://youtu.be/OnFQeLInxSQOvulation Symptoms in Bangla: https://youtu.be/Q7nqC5ovpZM
Sperm Quality Improvement: https://youtu.be/kp70e0BZdWY
PCOD & PCOS in details(bangla): https://youtu.be/ftohdNWJ3Cg
Menstruation in details(bangla): https://youtu.be/1H8724UyCrw
Ovulation Kit in details(bangla): https://youtu.be/vgBtjfqSe94
Semen Leakage after intercourse: https://youtu.be/xKkMkKvhevU
Urine Strip Test in details(bangla): https://youtu.be/KqAb-efNVeQ
Prolactin Problem Solution : https://youtu.be/V3oSailKmAE
Bulky Uterus: https://youtu.be/U4cyVftjwjI
Ideal Ovary Size: https://youtu.be/YuM-VpKQLHw
Myth boosting
মিলনের পর কতক্ষণ শুয়ে থাকা উছিতঃ https://youtu.be/-jc86liXIMQ
পিরিয়ড ক্লিয়ার হয় না কেন ? : https://youtu.be/Gm8p5w4X7Qk
Hairwash Tricks Reality: https://youtu.be/sZnFOdL1bLA
Baby Gender from Heart rate: https://youtu.be/arlPfxH05gk
Baby gender and Placenta position: https://youtu.be/b3QxcYRllt4
Pregnancy Care
First Pregnancy Scan/TVS: https://youtu.be/Q4eUh-zSK4k
List of Tests during pregnancy: https://youtu.be/QJOe0YiCHKI
NT Scan : https://youtu.be/jtt3uLc_8Dw
Anomaly Scan : https://youtu.be/fjIwZGfSiX0
first trimester do's & don't : https://youtu.be/SuF8UOd1eS8
first trimester food: https://youtu.be/25ljQHbjzK8
Second trimester care in details:https://youtu.be/xEDuSUfYhmA
3rd trimester care in details: https://youtu.be/Zz8gA7Jza68
Pre-Pregnancy Care Complete Overview(Bangla):https://youtu.be/6PbOwaHn4JU
Folate & Pre-Pregnancy Care(Bangla): https://youtu.be/wT-ZsnzT4RI
Vitamin D & Pre-Pregnancy Care(Bangla): https://youtu.be/NQROnAEERac
Vitamin E & Pre-Pregnancy Care(Bangla): https://youtu.be/rxI3fWPs7rY
Pre-Pregnancy Care(bangla) playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Nu7mPo1dqJHqd5MmFFLRyuMUagy53rC
purchase Links from Amazon
Ovulation Kit- https://amzn.to/3qCT0uy
Pregnancy Test Kit - https://amzn.to/2VUzoDU
V Wash - https://amzn.to/37FfouA
Sanitary Pads - https://amzn.to/2JOFoeZ
Menstrual Cup - https://amzn.to/3n0m1xZ
Kids Toothpaste - https://amzn.to/37OjsIO
Kids Toothbrush - https://amzn.to/2VUk7Tz
Mosturizing Cream - https://amzn.to/3qDxllR
Natural Mosquito Repellent Fabric Roll - https://amzn.to/3gxeJiY
The Bong Parenting is to discuss about every points regarding Child Development. Parenting covers essentials of development of a child. Even we have to start from zero, we have to talk and discuss from conceiving a healthy child. Because, healthy starting supports all necessary development by removing all the hindrance and barriers in the path of bright future. We can not make every one Einstein but what we can make them is to support them what they want to be, guide them, support them and teach them to walk with the will, aim and in a well shaped future. Hope you will enjoy the discussed topics. Don't forget to support us by subscribing the channel.
Disclaimer: We are not Doctors, we help everyone to be fit and fine. Our special focus is healthy parenting and parenthood. All the discussion as provided in is for information purpose only. The usage of any product and procedure should be done at viewers own risk and should be within own limit. For application please consult with physicians, doctors or medical practitioner before usage. The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. The information provided here is for informational purposes only.
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