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Hello my dear friends, this is Keith from English Speaking Success, as always it's fantastic to see you again.
When you are answering IELTS Speaking questions, do you sometimes ramble, go round in circles, get lost or even forget the question…
Structure and coherence is key to your fluency.
In this video I will show you natural and more advanced fillers and connectors that will up your fluency and impress the examiner…
If you want a band 7, 8 or 9 in fluency, this video is for you.
Topics covered in this video:
00:00:00 Introduction
0:02:39 IELTS Speaking
0:03:28 Giving opinions
0:06:50 Beginning an answer
0:08:06 Adding Information
0:10:05 Adding Emphasis
0:10:32 Giving Examples
0:11:23 Clarifying
0:12:46 Contrasting
0:14:12 Concluding
👍 Learn all about the IELTS Speaking test: https://keithspeakingacademy.com/ielts-speaking-test-format/
🎁Download my free e-book: AVOID 10 MOST COMMON MISTAKES IN IELTS SPEAKING: https://social.keithspeakingacademy.com/ARtL
Practice speaking English with italki (I will give you $10 towards your first lesson):
Fluency is 25% of your score in IELTS Speaking
It includes…
How much you hesitate (errr,)
Repetition (I, I want…)
Your range of Connectives and discourse markers
(First and foremost I love deserts, but that sad, I only eat them now and again….)
These Connectives and discourse markers are fancy words ‘Fillers and signposts’
IELTS Speaking
Opinions - I think
Add information - also -
Emphasise - I really think…
Clarify - I mean…
Compare and Contrast - but / however
Conclude - in conclusion…..
All of these are good, but you need a RANGE….
Do you like going to museums?
Well….to be honest…I am not a big fan of museums
Honestly …
Wow - Without a doubt …I am a big fan of
Absolutely …I’m really into museums
Do you think history is important?
Yeah, I reckon it’s essential
For sure, in me eyes, it’s really important because without it…
Yep I’d say it’s pretty important because without it…
I guess so. I suppose history gives us a sense of identity and…
I suppose so. I guess history shapes our present-day culture and identity…
I think yes…
I think so. Yes, it is important.