The day has finally arrived and the biggest and baddest sawmill I”ve ever seen is ready to make some dust. Watch as I get the Kubota diesel fired up as I rip through a nice spruce log on it’s maiden voyage. With a whole lot more learning to do, I’m taking it slow but the sawmill sure keeps things moving fast with all the log handling capabilities. I’m not used to having the sawmill do all the work but that’s exactly what this Clarke model 350-38 sawmill is doing as I stand back at the controls as the log quickly becomes lumber right by my side. Now if only I could find some way to stack the lumber without all the work….hmmmm.
Manufacturer of Clarke Portable Sawmills:
Shamrock Welding and Repair
320 Shamrock Rd
Omemee, Ontario, Canada
Tel 705-799-2871 or 705-799-1979
Email: [email protected]
My sawmill shown in this video:
Clarke Portable Sawmill model 350-38
Sawmill visible in the background in this video:
Clarke Portable Sawmill model 50
Other models available from Clarke Portable Sawmill can be found at:
or by calling (705) 799-2871 or (705) 799-1979
Mikron Computer Setworks shown in this video:
MIkron SW-350-PRO (universal computer setworks
Other Brand-specific Computer Setworks available from Mikron as well at:
UAB "Mikron LT"
02189, Lithuania, Vilnius, Meistrų str. 8
[email protected]
For USA and Canada:
+1 678 399 1995
Call Hours: 6 AM - 3 PM EST/EDT
+370 621 11 365
+370 663 48 078
Call Hours: 10:00 - 19:00 CET
Sawmill lasers shown in this video:
Toll Free:
From USA & Canada : 1-877 987 2783
From UK : 0 800 016 3373 (from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm - UK Time)
[email protected]
Model: TZ16X70-520L 50mw
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