In his Sunday Mass Homily in Saint Michael Kalibo, +Bp. Romie- Jun Peñalosa reminded us that if we love God, we will serve Him. God gave us everything - in fact He gave us the Best - Jesus. As a response to this gift and His love, we are to serve Him.
As God's children, everything that He has is already ours. Everything we need to become the best versions of ourselves - God already gave. Our response to receiving everything is to love and thank God through our service. Let us serve the Father!
Service to God is not a burden. If we struggle to love God, we struggle to understand that God loves us.
Our first reading today tells us how ou God never gets tired. The Lord will never get tired of you, His mercy is new every morning. This should allow us to accomplish great things for the Lord.
Our second reading tells us about the grace of God. Whatever it is that we think we cannot do, the grace of God is there.
Our Gospel reminds us that we are to be about our Father's busisness. God is in the business of saving souls. And as followers of God, we should get invoved in His business.
If we love God, we will serve Him.
Homily by Bp. Romie- Jun Peñalosa
First Reading: Isaiah 40:27-31
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 84:1-2;4-5;10-11
Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-6
Gospel Reading: Luke 2:41-52
Cathedral of Saint Michael
Osmeña Avenue, Kalibo, Aklan
Sunday Mass Schedule - 8:00am
Daily Mass Schedules
Monday to Saturday - 6:30am
Wednesday Fellowship Schedule (Midweek Service)
6:00 PM every Wednesday
Youth Fellowship
6:00 PM every Friday