► Request a FREE trial:
Learn how turbine customers are making huge cost savings and reducing production times in this great webinar. By combining Geomagic Design X & Control X, they are accurately rebuilding turbine blades with no digital data thread.
This on demand webinar with show you how:
► ‘Averaging’ your mesh can optimise part accuracy
► To transfer entire feature trees into your favourite CAD package for seamlessly connected workflows
► Automating your workflows with visual scripting can enable huge time savings►To gather custom profile measurements, such as twist analysis, fast and intuitively
► Working within one scan-based software system can help realise invaluable business benefits
► Sign up for our monthly newsletter about all Geomagic content https://oqton.com/tech-tuesday-sign-up/
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US 1-803-981-6716
UK +44 1442 279 875
Germany +49 6105 324 8122
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