This description covers both Parts I and II of this series.
The Royal Commission into Family Violence published six recommendations relating to interpreting services. The final report concluded that interpreting services were inadequate and highlighted the need for training in relation to understanding the nature and dynamics of family violence.
Disclosures and discussions of domestic violence may occur in a range of service settings – not only in expected ones such as police, family court or women’s services. It is important that all interpreters, regardless of their usual field of practice, are appropriately prepared in order to meet the needs of professionals, CALD clients and their own practice when working in these settings.
This webinar will provide an introduction to this specialist field of work as well as a series of useful resources for independent study.
This webinar will cover:
• Why the need of DV education for interpreters?
• What is domestic violence?
• Terminology
• What do interpreters say about working in DV settings?
• Services responding to domestic violence
• How do codes of ethics relate to this field of work?
• Helpful resources
Who would this be useful for?
Professional interpreters and service providers who work with interpreters in domestic violence settings.
After completing the webinars you will gain:
Knowledge of:
- The nature of domestic violence how it intersects with vulnerable population such as Cultural and Linguistically Diverse women.
- The role of the interpreter in these settings.
Skills to:
- Prepare for working in different service settings responding to domestic violence.
- Apply relevant codes of ethics in this specialised field of work.
Presented/Facilitated by: Olga Garcia-Caro
Olga Garcia-Caro lectures in the Master of Translating and Interpreting program at RMIT University's School of Global, Urban and Social Studies. Olga conducted research in the field of Interpreting in Domestic Violence service settings which aimed at exploring experiences of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse women victims of domestic violence, service providers and interpreters. Olga is interested in the development of specialised training for interpreters practising in this area of work.
Notes/Bio on the Presenter/Facilitators:
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