Living With Civilisations: Reflections on Southeast Asia’s Local and National Cultures by Professor Wang Gungwu
The Southeast Asian region is home to a set of diverse local cultures and distinct local identities. In this lecture series, Professor Wang Gungwu will look at how the cultures of our region interacted with civilisations, and how these civilisations shaped local identities and cultures in the process. Being at the centre of Southeast Asia, Singapore’s national identity has also been moulded by great ancient civilisations. From the rise of global maritime trade, to Singapore’s role as a port under the British empire, the country has come into contact with many civilisations that empowered its development. Understanding the history of Singapore from this perspective will give us insight to how the country’s modern identity is being shaped, and enable us to better understand our region’s place in the modern world order.
Living Civilisations and National Cultures
In the aftermath of World War II, the region of Southeast Asia was conceived. National empires were also dismantled, and with the creation of the United Nations (UN) came the rise of the new notion of nation-states. In the final lecture of the series, Prof Wang examines how Southeast Asia transformed into a modern region in light of these developments around the world, and highlights the impact of modernisation on the ancient Indic, Islamic and Sinic civilisations in our region. What effect did the formation of the UN and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have on our region’s national cultures? How did the rise of modern superpowers such as the United States impact the civilisations in our midst? What is the importance of Singapore’s interactions with civilisations in developing a Singaporean identity and distinct culture?
1:38 min
Lecture by
Professor Wang Gungwu
12th S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore
58:30 min
Question-and-Answer Session Moderated by
Mr Bilahari Kausikan
Middle East Institute
National University of Singapore
2nd S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore
1:40:12 min
Closing Remarks by
Mr Janadas Devan
Institute of Policy Studies
Date: 8 Mar 2023
Time: 04.00 pm - 05.30 pm
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