This Educator Video Toolbox is aligned to Echoes and Reflections, a comprehensive Holocaust education program that delivers professional development and a rich array of multimedia resources for middle and high school teachers. This video complements Lesson 6: Resistance It addresses key historical context, supports your teaching, and provides a methodological and pedagogical framework to help you effectively teach the subject of spiritual and armed resistance during the Holocaust. Professional development programs for middle and high school educators are taking place around the country; you can find one near you here
A common question when we’re studying about the Holocaust is, “Why didn’t the Jews resist?” But they did. In this video we discuss different forms and types of resistance, both spiritual and armed. In the unprecedented inhumanity of the Holocaust there were Jews who found the strength and the courage, both physical and spiritual, to retain their humanity and resist hopelessness and dehumanization. The story of their resistance is a human story that shows the heights that human beings can reach even in the depths of despair.
Sheryl Silver Ochayon is a staff member of the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, and its Program Director for Echoes and Reflections.
For additional information about Echoes and Reflections visit
Archival footage and photographs:
- Yad Vashem Photo Archive.
- Yad Vashem Film Archive.
- USC Shoah Foundation.
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum Archives.
- Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- Footage of the Warsaw Ghetto, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.
- Bundesfilmarchiv/Transit Film GmbH.
- Agentur Karl Höffkes
- Footage of Rudolf Bohlmann used with the kind permission of Eginhard Teichmann.
- US Holocaust Memorial Museum, gift of the Gasul Family.
- Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance.
- The Kingsport Times.
- The Oil City Derrick.
- The Associated Press.
- The Lowell Sun.
- Photograph of the Hellman Family (Avraham-Adolf, Charlotte, Max-Mordecai, Lilly and Edith-Rina), courtesy of Micha Hellman, Kfar Tavor, Israel.
Material and quotes from:
Echoes and Reflections, Teacher’s Resource Guide, a publication of the Anti-Defamation League, USC Shoah Foundation and Yad Vashem.
Abba Kovner Manifesto courtesy The Moreshet Archive, Mordechai Anielevich Memorial Holocaust Study and Research Center
Yad Vashem Archive
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