This Educator Video Toolbox is aligned to Echoes and Reflections, a comprehensive Holocaust education program that delivers professional development and a rich array of multimedia resources for middle and high school teachers. This video complements Lesson 4: The Ghettos It addresses key historical context, supports your teaching, and provides a methodological and pedagogical framework to help you teach this subject effectively. Professional development programs for middle and high school educators are taking place around the country; you can find one near you here
This movie, which focuses on the story of the Lodz ghetto, will discuss the challenges of teaching about this period: how can we make the story of the ghettos relevant to our students? How can we shed light today, decades after the tragic events, on what Jews knew, felt or understood during those terrifying days? What are the sources that can reveal their internal worlds?
Dr Robert Rozett is Director of the Yad Vashem Libraries, as well as an author, researcher and senior editor on Holocaust-related subjects.
Shani Lourie is the Head of Pedagogy Section atThe International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem
Shlomit Steiner is a staff member at the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem.
For additional information about Echoes and Reflections visit
Archival footage and photographs:
- Yad Vashem Photo Archive.
- Yad Vashem Film Archive.
- © Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt am Main / Photo: Walter Genewein.
- Agentur Karl Höffkes.
- Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- Footage of Rudolf Bohlmann used with the kind permission of Eginhard Teichmann.
- Bundesfilmarchiv/Transit Film GmbH.
- The testimonies of Ellis Lewin and Eva Safferman are taken from archive of the USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education. For more information:
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