We are in the calm before the storm! The snow has melted and hay season won't be for another couple months, so it's time to do some repairs on the 1974 John Deere 4430. Our main problem is an internal high pressure hydraulic leak, which starves the hydraulic pump and prevents it from getting return oil. We had the tractor diagnosed by a local mechanic, and he found the leak coming from a blown seal on the bottom of the rockshaft (3 point) cover, so we'll be pulling that. While we're in the tractor, we'll also fix some other minor leaks replace some bushings and some seals. We'll fix the SCV coupler leaks and add a power beyond block for the loader.
We've owned the tractor now for about 8 months and we knew about these issues when we bought it. When the main hydraulic pump is starved for oil, the hydraulics shudder badly, which makes the loader almost useless. Since we'll be needing the loader for doing hay this spring/summer, this is something we need to get repaired. We also use the remote hydraulics for our swather and post pounder.
In this video, I give an overview of the tractor and talk about these issues and some others we'd like to tackle at some point. This is the only critical problem right now. I've already started the repairs, so stay tuned for more updates!
Thanks for watching!
Instagram: @BlackHorseRanchIdaho