#श्री त्रैलोक्य मोहन काली कवच
#रुद्रयामल तन्त्र
#Trailokya Mohan Kali Kavach
Hi Every One,
Welcome to my channel "e2Learn by VRakesh" .
Thru this channel, I am uploading videos related to
religious content in sanskrit (Various God - Goddess ) Kavach,
Stotra, Sahastranama, Puja Mantras..
etc in "Easy To Learn" Way..
श्री त्रैलोक्य मोहन काली कवचम्
(रुद्रयामल तन्त्र से)
My PDF Link
श्री त्रैलोक्य मोहन काली कवचम्
( हिन्दी अर्थ सहित )
(रुद्रयामल तन्त्र)
Old Book pages Link:
*** Other Videos ***
श्री काली स्तवन (श्री ब्रह्मा कृत)
श्री आद्या-स्तोत्रम्
( ब्रह्मयामल तन्त्र से )
Video LINK
श्री काली शतनाम स्तोत्रम्
( बृहन्नील तन्त्र, पटल-२३)
Shri Kali Shatanama Stotra
( From "Brihannila Tantra" Chapter-23 )
Video LINK
श्री-दक्षिण-काली-खड्गमाला स्तोत्रम्,
( रुद्रयामल तन्त्र)
Shri DakShina Kali KhaDgamala Stotram
( Rudrayamala Tantra)
Video LINK
॥ दैनिक देव , देवी, गुरू मन्त्र साधना विधान ॥
Dainik Pujana | Daily Puja Vidhi | e2Learn By VRakesh
Guru Kavach (Purushcharana RasoUllasa )
गुरु-कवचं (कङ्काल-मालिनी-तन्त्र से)
Video File Link
॥ श्री काली प्रत्यंगिरा स्तोत्र, श्री अंगिरा ऋषि कृत ॥
My Video Link
Shri Dumavati Kavach
Video LINK-
Shri Bagalamukhi Khadagamala Mantra
Video LINK-
Shri Bagalamukhi Trailokya Vijay Kavach
(Vishva Yamala Tantra)
Video LINK-
Shri Bagalamukhi Vishva Vijay Kavach
(Visvasara Tantra )
Video LINK-
Shri Bagala Stotra (Valga Stotra)
Video LINK-
Shri Bagala 108-Name Stotra –
(VishnuYamala Tantra)
Video LINK-
Shri Bagala 108-Name Stotra –
(Utkat Shambar Tantra)
Shri Bagala Pratyangira Stotra -
Video LINK-
श्री बगला अष्टोत्तर शतनाम स्तोत्रम् ,
श्री रुद्रयामल तन्त्र
Video LINK-
श्री श्री गायत्री हृदयम् (१) – याज्ञवल्क्य
Video LINK
श्री गायत्री-हृदयम्-(३), श्री देवी भागवत महापुराण से
Video Link
About me ?
* As per my Job or Family Background -
मैं कोई पुजारी या पण्डित नही हूँ ।
* हाँ तन्त्र-मन्त्र-यन्त्र सभी पढ़ सकते हैं, कोई भी इस क्षेत्र में विद्वान,
गुरु, या मार्गदर्शन करने वाला हो सकता है । सीख सकता है,
मैं भी वैसे ही एक सामान्य व्यक्ति हूँ ।
* I work in computers field,
* I do not get enough time to respond all emails, so please Forgive Me.
* I will try my best to upload more and more articles available to me.
Why No Phones , No Contacts ?
My Contacts Numbers are Not provided anywhere as :
* I don’t have enough knowledge regarding any real day to day
tantric practices, Tona -Totka etc,
So Please Consult your gurus for this matter..
This Video is ONLY –
Note: As I am not connected to any Mandir, Trust, Society
or any Such Community or Business group.
I am not a Brahmin Pandit or Pujari by Profession.
I simply Read and Learn about Tantra Mantra etc to understand
for my Personal Curiosity, Hobbies and Religious Belief.
The Same I Share with you all thru my Channel...
So I do not provide any Mantra, Yantra, Tantra, Mala,
Guru diksha, or any Puja Items..
So Please Do Not Send any Email for this matter..
For Video Projects I use -
Video Editing : Hit Film Express (Free Version ).
Video Compression : Hand Brake (Open Source - Free Software)
Picture – Photo Editing : Microsoft Paint 3D (Available with Windows 10 ).
* * * * * DISCLAIMER * * * * *
-The Articles Published / Uploaded through my Channel is
only for View, Guide and Learning Sanskrit texts in more correct ways,
as used in tantra books.
-It does not take any responsibility for any
Wrong Practices of Occult Science,
-It does not support any Occult Practices.
-Please Stay away and stay safe from Such
Dangerous Unknown, Hidden, and Heard Occult Practices
Thru various Mouth .
Though these kavach-mantras -stotras types of things,
are done everywhere in every society,
but using these knowledge for wrong purpose or black magic etc
may put you in trouble, so be careful.
-I and My Channel (e2Learn By VRakesh) does not take any
responsibility for any such harmful and
wrong practices. or any such issues arising from it.
(Thanks) (Please Share)