Speaker: Dr. Maria Pawlowska
In 2024, KT Connects is focusing on open science — the practice of making scientific inputs, outputs, and processes freely available to all with minimal restrictions.
As information technology enables more people to rapidly share large amounts of data and knowledge, open science — making scientific processes and practices, including research methods and outputs, more accessible and transparent — is moving from the fringe to centre stage. However, there is much more to open science than who pays for scientific publications, the reliable reuse of data, or publishing results before peer review. As seen through multiple national and international open science efforts, truly open research includes emphasis on knowledge translation and mobilization activities, as well as equitable and meaningful engagement with diverse communities impacted by research findings.
In this webinar — the first in Health Research BC’s series focused on open science — Dr. Maria Pawlowska will give an overview of open science by illustrating the variety of efforts underway in Canada, the United States, and Europe, explaining why open science is relevant to everyone, and highlighting the opportunities, benefits and challenges that lay ahead.
After this webinar, the audience will be able to:
- Explain what open science entails.
- Describe the Canadian and international context for open science implementation.
- Illustrate how to implement an open science framework in a biomedical research context.