kubernetes tutorial | Network Namespaces | Linux Network Namespaces
In this video, you are going to learn the concepts of kubernetes - Network Namespaces.
we are also going to see a demo on Network Namespaces as well.
*Kubernetes | Network Namespaces *
1. Linux Namespaces
2. Network, PID and Cgroup Namespaces
3. Namespaces & Containers
4. Network Namespaces
5. DEMO: Network Namespaces
6. Thank you
For suggestions/feedback/doubts contact
email: kvk@vsparkz.com
Happy Learning !!!
*Linux Namespaces*
*Network Namespaces and Cgroups*
#vsparkz #kubernetes #k8s #containers
*Network Namespaces*
*Step 1: Access the nodes and Inspect the existing network setup*
$ ip link
$ ip addr
*Step 2: Create a Network Namespaces (Red, Blue) & Virtual bridge_1 (Switch) in Node_1*
$ ip netns add red
$ ip netns add blue
$ ip link add name vbridge-1 type bridge
*Step 3: Create & attach VETH Pairs in Node_1*
# Create VETH Pairs
$ ip link add veth0-red-in type veth peer name veth0-red-out
$ ip link add veth0-blue-in type veth peer name veth0-blue-out
# Attach one side to Network Namespaces
$ ip link set veth0-red-in netns red
$ ip link set veth0-blue-in netns blue
# Attach other side to Virtual Bridge
$ ip link set veth0-red-out master vbridge-1
$ ip link set veth0-blue-out master vbridge-1
*Step 4: Assign some IP's to the VETH pairs & Virtual Bridge_1 (No-Overlapping IP's)*
$ ip netns exec red ip addr add dev veth0-red-in
$ ip netns exec blue ip addr add dev veth0-blue-in
$ ip addr add dev vbridge-1
*Step 5: Enable all the VETH pairs and Loopback interfaces*
$ ip netns exec red ip link set dev veth0-red-in up
$ ip netns exec blue ip link set dev veth0-blue-in up
$ ip netns exec red ip link set dev lo up
$ ip netns exec blue ip link set dev lo up
$ ip link set veth0-red-out up
$ ip link set veth0-blue-out up
$ ip link set vbridge-1 up
*Step 6: Add Default routes to the Network Namespaces to Reach the Physical Network*
$ ip netns exec red ip route add default via
$ ip netns exec blue ip route add default via
*Step 7: Add IP Table Rule & Forward the Host Traffic using SNAT (MASQUERADE)*
$ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE
$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
*Step 8: Repeat Above steps1-7 in Node_2*
$ ip netns add green
$ ip link add veth0-green-in type veth peer name veth0-green-out
$ ip link add name vbridge-2 type bridge
$ ip link set veth0-green-in netns green
$ ip link set veth0-green-out master vbridge-2
$ ip netns exec green ip addr add dev veth0-green-in
$ ip addr add dev vbridge-2
$ ip netns exec green ip link set dev veth0-green-in up
$ ip netns exec green ip link set dev lo up
$ ip link set veth0-green-out up
$ ip link set vbridge-2 up
$ ip netns exec green ip route add default via
$ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE
$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
*Step 9: Add routes for the namespace to namespace communication in different Nodes*
Node_1: $ ip route add via
Node_2: $ ip route add via
*Step 10: Test the connectivity between the Network Namespaces in different nodes*
Node_1: $ ip netns exec blue ping
Node_2: $ ip netns exec green ping