2014年7月 日本三大祭のひとつの祇園祭は、京都では1年を通じて一番大きな八坂神社のお祭り。7月1日の吉符入りに始まり、 宵山、山鉾巡行、神幸祭、花傘巡行等の諸祭行事を経て7月31日の疫神社夏越祭で終わる約1ヵ月間に渡りおこなわれる祭りです。
00:00 オープニング
00:17 宵山(Festival yoiyama)
03:42 山鉾巡行(Festival Yamahoko-Junko)
08:40 神幸祭(Festival Shinko-Sai)
The Gion Matsuri is the most famous festival.
The Gion Matsuri Festival takes place annually in Kyoto and is one
of the most famous festivals in Japan.
It takes place over the entire month of July.
The highlight of this festival is "Yamahoko Junko" held on the 17.
In this event, decorated wagons called "Hoko" and "Yama" are
pulled by people and paraded around town. It is registered as
an Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHumanity by UNESCO.
In the evening after the Yamahoko Junko is over, Shinkosai is held at Yasaka Shrine.
The shrine deities that preside over the festival are transported in three portable shrines from Yasaka Shrine to the Otabisho. More than 1,000 men will participate in this important procession.