Expected this to be a very difficult experience but I was pleasantly surprised. Full leg workout without any barbell compounds movements. Did a tiny bit of cold plunge and sat in the sauna after.
Fueled by Gorilla mind code: BEEF
Helimix code: BEEF
YoungLA code: BEEF
GORILLA MIND- https://gorillamind.com/beef
RASKOL- https://raskolapparel.com/beef
YOUNGLA- https://www.youngla.com/beef
INSTA- https://www.instagram.com/leanbeefpatty/
TWITCH- https://www.twitch.tv/pinheadpatty
TIKTOK- https://www.tiktok.com/@leanbeefpatty?
Contents of this video
00:00- warmup
05:47- leg press
08:38- pendulum squat
10:46- hip thrust/glute bridge
14:13- leg extension
15:07- hamstring curl
16:29- ice plunge
18:13- sauna
19:07- the end
#legday #legworkout #workoutroutine #workout #glutesworkout #glutes #gymmotivation #gymroutine #gymlife #legs #leanmass #musclebuilding #bodybuilding #diet