Discover the ultimate Warframe Affinity guide with a tier list of the best leveling methods!
As of 1999 update put [Hush] into your Bramma, otherwise enemies will hear the explosion from other rooms even with savage silence build
Some other qol hacks:
- lvl 0 Savage Silence to save space
- Unairu with Poise for no knockdown
- Squad Ammo Restore
- turn off auto swap weapon when empty
👉 Make sure you have these 3 Warframes — they’re essential picks for every Tenno! Click here to find out:
V I D E O S T O W A T C H N E X T :
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0:00 - 0:41 Intro
0:42 - 2:35 Affinity distribution mechanics
2:36 - 3:40 Grineer Defense
3:41 - 5:29 ESO
5:30 - 8:03 Stealth Affinity
8:04 - 8:37 Cetus Nataruk Method
8:38 - 9:48 Elara Jupiter
9:49 - 10:17 Railjack
10:18 - 10:32 Spy missions
10:33 - 11:12 Deployables and final tips
11:13 - 11:45 Outro
➡️ Do you have these 3 Warframes? Every Tenno needs them in their arsenal!
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