This guided meditation with The Angel Raphael and the Sirian Elders provides a light body activation to anchor in the energies of the recent Summer Solstice. This activation will rejuvinate your physical body, connect to the earth and awaken you to your connection with the divine!
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The Freedom Light Code Activation is the next live transmission in our Master Ascension Light Code Series. You can learn more about it at the following link:
Discover the power of your highest self and experience true liberation with this transformative light code activation.
This engaging and enlightening transmission takes you on a deep journey of self-reflection and awareness. Learn to question the belief systems you may have unconsciously inherited from your family, and identify whether they resonate with your genuine inner voice or divert you from your path of authenticity. Embrace the courage to stand tall in your truth and break free of the matrix, even when it disrupts familiar environments or established norms.
Your guide during this transmission will be the Ascended Master Lady Liberty.
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