LEDs are a great option for adding lights to your models and for replacing existing incandescents when they eventually blow. In this video I'll show you how I install both 3mm and surface mount device (SMD) LEDs in a couple locomotives. The process is relatively easy once you know the tricks and tips I will be sharing with you so take a look. Here are some links to websites for various materials mentioned. Note that many are available at local stores or from Amazon or eBay sellers.
Pre-wired LEDs on eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/L0805GW-20pcs-Pre-Wired-GOLDEN-White-SMD-0805-Led-Lamp-Light-Set-12V-18V-NEW-/221183972188?hash=item337f97935c
Misc LEDS from Streamlined Backshop https://www.sbs4dcc.com
LEDs fro Richmond Controls https://www.richmondcontrols.com
Misc electronics https://www.allelectronics.com
Misc LEDs, small circuit boards, SMD resistors, Kapton tape https://www.ngineering.com
Wiring harnesses, Kapton tape https://www.tcsdcc.com
Other misc items available at local hobby shops, eBay, Amazon, hardware stores
Uhu tac putty
Zap Zip Kicker
Testors Clear Parts Cement
Locktite CA Gel
Makeup microbrush