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Live Worship【氣息 / Breath】約書亞樂團 Joshua Band

台北靈糧堂聯合崇拜 15,910 lượt xem 7 months ago
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氣息 / Breath
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:璽恩 SiEnVanessa 、 趙治達 David Chao、 陳帟紳 Eason Chen、曾沛慈 Pets Tseng
中譯英 Translator:熊乃恩 Nathan Hsiung

當祢吹氣 我就開始呼吸
You breathe on me, and I take my first breath
祢的靈 在我身上我就甦醒
I awake as Your Spirit rests upon me
混沌世界 不曾見過光明
Chaos abounds, yet to see the light
祢的心意 堅立大地
Then by Your will, the world is formed

當我安靜 祢的聲音清晰
When I am still, I can hear You clearly
我的心 更深的被祢吸引
My heart draws deeper into Your heart
再次仰望 更新我生命
I look to You, my life is renewed
祢的同在 未曾離去 溫柔回應
You are with me, You never leave, gently You speak

Lord, let Your breath come fill me up
來充滿我 用祢的聖靈
Come fill me up, Oh Spirit come breathe
我願意更多像祢 貼近祢的心
How I long to be more like you, draw close to Your heart
祢的話語來堅定我 來堅定我
Lord, let Your Word come strengthen me, come strengthen me
Come let Your truth change my life
按著祢應許 活出祢心意
I live by Your will, in Your promises

祢發出祢的靈 萬物就被造成
You send Your Spirit forth, all of creation’s born
You cause the earth to be made new
綻放生命 是因為祢
Life blossoms forth because of You
祢發出祢的靈 萬物就被造成
You send Your Spirit forth, all of creation’s born
You cause the earth to be made new
綻放生命 在永恆裡
Life blosssoms forth eternally


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