Logic Pro 10.8 is here!!! In this video I cover the six (6) main updates in Logic 10.8, including the Mastering Assistant, Sample Alchemy, Beat Breaker, Slip and Rotate Tools, Drummer updates, and over 150 enhancements and fixes. Enjoy!
Download my 35-part Logic Course here! ➛ https://www.logicproguide.com
Sample Alchemy Tutorial Series ➛ https://youtu.be/csTKH5IRLNY?feature=shared
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#logicpro #logicprox #tutorial
0:00 Overview
1:50 Mastering Assistant
7:40 Sample Alchemy
12:42 Beat Breaker
14:44 Slip & Rotate Tools
18:35 Drummer Updates
22:10 Enhancements & Fixes