I am making my Dream Game about this mage / Jawa guy travelling across barren wastelands guarded by bad robots and with nothing but his trusty instrument.
This is Devlog 0 of many more to come :D
If you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing and checking out some of my other games :)
== Credits ==
Nuclear Throne Procedural Generation Article: https://indienova.com/u/root/blogread/1766
Garnet's tutorial on a random walker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B7yOnqpK_Y
Level Design Toolkit: https://ldtk.io/
Vinark's tutorial on custom tile data: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwOxLkJTXag&t=181s
== Games seen in this video ==
You Are Now Possessed: https://lonebot.itch.io/possessed
Nuclear Throne Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/242680/Nuclear_Throne/
Archvale Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1296360/Archvale/
Enter The Gungeon Steam Page:
Scorgebringer Steam Page:
Cult of The Lamb Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1313140/Cult_of_the_Lamb/
== Music used in this video ==
Barebones by @lowresbones
Pizza Biome by @lowresbones
Hero of The Village by @lowresbones
No Plan Just Blocks by @lowresbones
End of The Beginning by @lowresbones
You can find Lowresbones' music here: @lowresbonus
Hornet from the Hollow Knight soundtrack by Christopher Larkin
Dung Defender from the Hollow Knight soundtrack by Christopher Larkin