Unreleased Modzitz Pesach Kumzitz for the 77th Yahrzeit of Reb Shaul Yedidya Elazar Taub
On Tuesday, the 16th of Kislev, we commemorate the 77th Yahrzeit of Reb Shaul Yedidya Elazar Taub of Modzitz, a towering figure in Jewish music and spiritual leadership. In honor of this significant milestone, Achim Lenchevsky is presenting an unreleased collection titled *Modzitz Yahrzeit, Pesach 2024*, which beautifully encapsulates the Rebbe's musical genius through previously unpublished works.
Reb Shaul Yedidya Elazar was not only a revered spiritual leader but also a prolific composer, known for his hundreds of niggunim that continue to inspire generations. His intricate melodies expertly blend deep emotion with uplifting joy, reflecting profound spiritual themes. The Rebbe viewed music as a pathway to divine connection, and his legacy as a master composer remains a cornerstone of the Modzitz dynasty.
This year’s Modzitz Pesach kumzitz, held in Boro Park, Brooklyn, served as a fitting celebration of the Rebbe's legacy. The event attracted a packed crowd, immersing them in the uplifting sounds of Modzitz. This kumzitz particularly highlighted the nigunim of the Divrei Yisroel, the first Modzitzer Rebbe. Born in 1849, Rabbi Yisroel Taub, the son of the Zvoliner Rebbe and grandson of the Kuzmirer Rebbe, was renowned for his exceptional Torah learning and extraordinary skill as a composer. The Divrei Yisroel inherited this musical gift, creating nigunim that many consider among the deepest and most heartfelt in the entire canon of Hasidic music. He first settled in Modzitz, establishing it as a destination for those seeking devekus through song.
The vibrant musical life of the chassidus was evident at this year’s Pesach kumzitz. R’ Aaron Orlander and R’ Dovid Bick, both authorities on Modzitz music, led the singing while sharing stories that conveyed the rich history of the pieces. Dov Lenchevsky accompanied on keyboard, showcasing his talent by harmonizing even the most complex compositions and adding new depth with his excellent musicianship. Instrumentalists R’ Yisroel Aryeh Wachsman (violin), Shalom Rosen (clarinet), and Gordon Dale enhanced the evening, leading the crowd in fervent singing.
As participants left the kumzitz, they felt uplifted and eager for the next gathering this coming Sukkos, celebrating the enduring legacy of the Modzitz Rebbes through music, community, and the unveiling of the *Modzitz Yahrzeit, Pesach 2024* collection in honor of Reb Shaul Yedidya Elazar Taub.