#acrylicpouring #painting #MinaVillegasArt #PalisadesFire #WanderingStraightPour
Hello My Beautiful People! Welcome back! This has been an interesting week.. Los Angeles is having several large wildfires and one of them has come fairly close to our home, about 2 miles away. The Palisades Fire has come all the way up from Pacific Palisades and it almost at the top of a mountain range behind our home. We have had a "front row seat" to watch the heroic efforts of fire fighters as they work hard to keep the fire from crossing over the top of the mountain. Last night we watched a controlled burn of that mountain until about 3 am. It was terrifying to see huge billowing clouds of smoke against a neon red sky, complete with bright flames popping up here and there. The fire fighters will set controlled burns to get rid of fuel for the fires, in order to help stop them. We watched as several helicopters dropped water and several big jets dropped fire retardant on the mountain ridge. It must have worked because our sky is no longer red, but blue again with only a small amount of smoke clouds. We are praying for a speedy resolution and an end to these awful scary fires. Our hearts go out to all the people who have been affected by these fires. We have not gotten evacuation notices yet, but we have bags packed and waiting by our front door should we need to leave quickly. I want to reassure you all that we are 100% fine, and to please try not to worry. Thank you to everyone who has reached out and checked on us, we appreciate all of you so much.
This has been going on for the last four days and I will admit it is hard to not get scared. The other night HoA suggested that I go mix up some paint to give my brain something else to think about. This is that pour, my Moment of Grace. I hope you all can find a few moments of calm and grace too. Together we will stand strong and get thru this trying time. Thank you for being here.
Update: the smoke and billowy clouds are nearly gone tonight! Im so grateful to see clear skies again!
- Perm. Blue Violet
- Greenish Blue
- Bronze
- Pearl Yellow
- Titanium White
Pouring Medium:
Liquitex Gloss Medium
Floetrol, water to thin
There is NO Silicone
in Any of My Paint.
much love to all of you
music from epidemic sound