“Show and Tell” style tour of my collection of SKS pattern carbines.
0:00 Intro
1:08 1978 Albanian 56-1
1:39 1967 /26\ (PLO Capture)
2:45 1972 Yugo M59/66A1
4:16 1959 Romanian M56
5:24 1965 /26\ (Sino-Banian)
7:04 1959 /26\ (Letter Series)
7:37 196X Yugo M59
8:55 1988 Commercial Conventional
10:03 1954 SKS-45 (Izhevsk)
11:41 1954 SKS-45 (Tula)
12:16 1972 /416\
13:34 Chinese “Paratrooper”
13:55 1979 /26\ (French Tickler)
14:26 1956 /26\ (Ghost)
16:05 Outro
Tags: SKS, SKS45, SKS-45, Izhevsk, Tula, Arsenal, Type 56, Carbine, 1945, 1956, China, Chinese, Romanian, M56, M, 56, Tipo, Yugo, Yugoslavian, PAP, Papovka, 59, M59, M59/66, M59/66A1, 59/66, 59/66A1, Albanian, 56-1, Gun, rifle, curio and relic, c&r, collection, collector, How to, How-to, differentiate, identify, recognize, tell, buyer’s buyers, guide, vs, vs., versus