N scale Free-Mo, or Free-moN, is a large group of modular railroaders who meet from time to time to assemble their modules that follow the "Free-Mo" standards into huge model railroad layouts. Modules came from Southern California to Nothern Utah and formed a huge layout.
This event was held in the museum at the old Wendover Utah Air Field where pilots were trained to drop bombs from B-17s, B-24s, and B25s. Well and many more. Toward the end of the war, they brought in B29s and trained the 509th Composite Group to drop atomic bombs. From here they shipped out to the island of Tinian and from there dropped two atomic bombs on Japan.
The airfield is the only intact WW II flight line and the museum is worth checking out. In this case, the Free-MoN group has assembled to run N scale trains using realistic train operations.
Next week we will return to see more of the airfield and museum and play a bit of pinball. PINBALL? Well stay tuned, that's actually a very interesting bit of the story...