Practice makes perfect. I'm still learning and practicing too. Feel free to comment your tips and tricks below. You don't need to wear this much gear, in fact it may get in your way while learning. However, getting used to it, isn't a bad idea either. I need new gear! Use my affiliate links below to help me out!
Also get your EUC from a reputable dealer with a quality warranty. Remember no EUC is perfect, but there is a perfect EUC for you. Protect yourself at ALL TIMES! Check out for events*, recommended gear list*, race rankings, and affiliate links to some of the best EUCs around.
Begode Master: ( 2 year warranty)
Catalog RevRides (5 Star Google Reviews):
Catalog AlienRides EUCs(2 year warranty):
Clark Pads (great pads and EUC accessories):
#eucaristia #skydio2 #begodemaster
*(coming soon)
00:00 Intro
03:55 Exercises Begin
#insta360 #begodemaster #skydio2