堀川散策の旅 前編はこちら
We walked along the Horikawa River in Kyoto from beginning to end. The Horikawa River was opened during the construction of the Heian-kyo capital as a lumber transportation route. However, due to water pollution and repeated flooding, the river underwent repair work and eventually ceased to flow.
However, the recent Hori River waterfront environment improvement project has now restored the flow of the Hori River. Most of the Horikawa has been culverted, but we walked along the Horikawa as much as possible from beginning to end.
#kyotowalk #kyototrip #京都歩く人 #堀川 #二条城 #本能寺 #本圀寺 #西本願寺
#西堀川通 #国道1号線 #Horikawa #東寺