Pig Hunting with Bolt Action rifles chambered in 308 and 223. Shooting Subsonic and Supersonic rounds in both calibres. This is Part 2 that you've all been asking for. Out on the wheat stubble this trip. Feral pig numbers have exploded in the area recently due to an abundance of feed and water. As a result, farmers are suffering significant crop damage and losses. I received an invite to head up and lend a hand, which I eagerly accepted. With the pigs becoming quite vehicle shy recently, the most effective method was to conduct all of the shooting on foot. Stalking in on mobs of pigs under the cover of darkness using thermal detection equipment and rifle scopes proved to be incredibly effective. I managed to cull 107 pigs over the three nights which made the farmers very happy. Finished off with a nice 97kg Boar. Can't wait to get back up there and do it all again. Big thanks to Den for his gracious hospitality. It was a hunting trip I'll never forget.