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Pilihan Tepungnya! Rahasia Resep Donat Bomboloni: 100% Sukses, Anti Kempes, Empuk.

Devina Hermawan 1,805,250 lượt xem 4 years ago
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00:00 : intro
00:49 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:38 : mulai membuat adonan donat (start making the donut dough)
05:38 : mulai membuat custard (start making the custard)
07:51 : mulai cetak dan goreng donat (start shaping and frying the donuts)
10:14 : hidangan siap dan tahap serving (the dish is ready to serve)


Saat ini muncul berbagai macam kreasi donat. Dari yang berlubang, donat mini, donat isi, donat kentang, donat pisang, dan lainnya. Kali ini aku akan share resep donat bomboloni isi custard yang lembut dan empuk tanpa menggunakan kentang. Rasa donat goreng yang enak akan semakin lezat dengan lelehan custard ovomaltine di dalamnya. Cocok banget untuk teman minum kopi ataupun teh.

Resep Donat Bomboloni (15 pcs)

Bahan adonan:
325 gr tepung protein sedang
75 gr tepung protein tinggi
50 gr brown sugar (gula palem pasir)
3 gr garam
50 gr mentega
7 gr ragi
150 ml susu cair
2 butir telur
1 sdt ekstrak vanila

Bahan filling custard:
250 gr susu
250 gr cream
80 gr gula pasir
3 butir kuning telur
1 butir telur
30 gr maizena
1 sdt garam
50 gr mentega
1 sdt ekstrak vanila
100 gr Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream

Bahan lainnya:
200 gr brown sugar untuk taburan
Minyak untuk menggoreng

1. Campur tepung protein sedang, tepung protein tinggi, ragi, dan brown sugar, aduk rata
2. Tambahkan susu dan telur, aduk menggunakan mixer hingga membentuk adonan
3. Tambahkan butter dan garam, aduk hingga kalis
4. Diamkan adonan selama 30 menit hingga mengembang
5. Giling adonan setebal 1 cm lalu cetak dengan ringan cutter
6. Diamkan lagi selama 30 menit hingga mengembang
7. Buat filling custard. Didihkan susu, gula, garam, dan ekstrak vanila
8. Campurkan telur dan maizena, aduk rata lalu saring
9. Tuangkan sedikit susu yang mendidih ke adonan telur, aduk rata lalu tuangkan ke panci susu
10. Masak dengan api kecil sambil terus diaduk hingga mengental
11. Simpan di wadah lalu tutup permukaannya dengan cling wrap
12. Setelah custard dingin, sisihkan sebagian dan campur dengan Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream
12. Panaskan minyak di api kecil, goreng donat hingga cokelat keemasan
13. Gulingkan donat ke brown sugar hingga rata
14. Lubangi donat, lalu semprotkan custard menggunakan piping bag. Donat Bomboloni siap disajikan

Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream tersedia di Ranch Market, Farmers Market, Food Hall, Lion Superindo, Giant, Kem Chicks, Grand Lucky, Indomaret, Supermarket dan Toko-toko lainnya.

Jangan lupa cek Instagram @OVOMALTINE_INDONESIA
Facebook Page :


Flour Choice! The Secret to The Softest, Collapse-Proof Bombolone Donut, 100% Success.

These days, there are so many donut variations. From donut holes, mini donuts, donuts with fillings, potato donuts, banana donuts, etc. This time, I'm sharing a soft and airy bomboloni donut recipe. This delicious fried donut will be even more yummy with Ovomaltine Custard filling inside. It's great to be consumed with coffee or tea.

Bomboloni Donuts Recipe

Dough ingredients:
325 g medium-protein flour
75 g high-protein flour
50 g brown sugar
3 g salt
50 g butter
7 g yeast
150 ml milk
2 pc eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

Custard Filling ingredients:
250 ml milk
250 ml cream
80 g sugar
3 egg yolks
1 whole egg
30 g cornstarch
1 tsp salt
50 g butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
100 g Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream

Other ingredients:
200 g brown sugar for topping
Cooking oil for frying

1. Combine the medium-protein flour, high-protein flour, yeast, and brown sugar. Mix well.
2. Add the milk and eggs. Mix with mixer until they form a dough.
3. Add the butter and salt. Mix until elastic.
4. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes to rise.
5. Roll the dough to 1 cm thickness and shape with a cutter.
6. Rest the dough again for 30 minutes to rise.
7. To make the custard filling, heat the milk, sugar, salt, and vanilla extract.
8. Combine the egg and cornstarch. Mix well and strain.
9. Add a bit of the boiling milk into the egg. Mix well and return to the milk pan to cook.
10. Cook with low heat and keep stirring until thickens.
11. Store in a bowl and cover the surface with plastic wrap.
12. After the custard cools, set aside some of it and add the Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream.
13. Heat some oil on low heat and fry the donuts until golden brown.
14. Make a hole on the donut and fill with custard using a piping bag. Bomboloni Donuts are ready to serve.


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