Podcast Review: How I Built This, Wirecutter, Brian Lam | #review #podcast #wirecutter
In this episode, I review a fantastic interview by Guy Raz with How I Built This. Brian Lam is the interviewee who created Wirecutter, purchased by The New York Times in 2016. I felt this was such a great episode that it deserved a review.
You can find this Podcast on Apple Podcast here:
I hope you enjoy it.
0:00 Intro
0:53 Was there an idea that made me think about my business differently?
1:52 What problem does my own business solve?
3:45 Can I learn from one of the failures discussed?
4:40 What will I incorporate into my business from this podcast?
5:46 Closing Remarks
-This video is an Earthship Media Production
-Music is licensed through Motion Array by Earthship Media.
-Article Citations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ya0DJzws2CBACvG1s7La26nNmH8Eza_ei3iNXKtGoQg/edit?usp=sharing