Eigelb in die kochende Milch geben! Ich kaufe keinen Käse mehr auf dem Markt.
You can find an even more tasty recipe here: https://youtu.be/sdkp_j0col0
In this video we show you how to put egg yolk in boiling milk to achieve the perfect consistency and the perfect taste. You will get to know cooking secrets that help you avoid frequent mistakes. This technology is ideal for a variety of dishes, including creams and sauces. Don't miss the chance to improve your culinary skills and make your recipes even more delicious. Take part and learn how easy it is to cook with milk and egg yolk!
Main ingredients:
2 l milk.
4 chicken eggs.
100 g of sour cream.
Salt to taste.
Sandwich ingredients:
Ciabatta bread.
Cheese made by us.
A little arugulas salad.
2-3 cherry tomatoes.
Some balsamic sauce.
Salt to taste.