(内陷)材料 (Filling)Ingredients:
- 约200克的肉碎(一汤匙料酒和半茶匙盐腌制) 200g of minced pork (marinated with 1 tbsp of cooking wine& 1/2 tbsp of salt)
- 约500克的沙葛 500g of jicama
- 1-2片木耳 1-2 piece of woodear
- 适量的虾米 some dried shrimp
- 2-3粒的葱头仔 2-3 of shallots
调味料 seasoning:
- 1-2汤匙的蚝油 1-2 tbsp of oyster sauce
- 1-2汤匙的酱油 1-2 tbsp of soy sauce
- 适量的黑酱油 some dark soy sauce
面皮材料 Ingredients:
- 500克的糯米粉 500g of glutinous flour
- 一汤匙的糖 1 tbsp of sugar
- 一杯热水和冷水 1 cup of hot and cold water