Q&A Torah in the last days, the ten lost tribes of Israel, did Paul invent Christianity?
In this Q&A video, R. L. Solberg will tackle three of your questions:
1. How should we understand the OT prophecies about keeping Torah in the last days?
2. Understanding the 10 lost tribes of Israel (and whether some of us have descended from those tribes)
3. Was Paul the founder of Christianity?
And there's a bonus question at the end!
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00:00 Intro
01:16 Question #1: Keeping Torah in the end times
01:53 Examining the Old Testament prophecies
07:36 Zechariah 14
13:41 Isaiah 66
22:00 The bottom line on end times prophecies
22:32 Question #2: The lost tribes of Israel
29:38 Question #3: Did Paul invent Christianity?
33:52 Bonus Question: What music do you listen to?
Subtítulos disponibles en español
En este video de preguntas y respuestas, R. L. Solberg abordará tres de sus preguntas:
1. ¿Cómo debemos entender las profecías del AT acerca de guardar la Torá en los últimos días?
2. Comprender las 10 tribus perdidas de Israel (y si algunos de nosotros descendemos de esas tribus)
3. ¿Fue Pablo el fundador del cristianismo?
¡Y hay una pregunta adicional al final!