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【40代独身女】久しぶりの大久野島/RABBIT ISLAND/うさぎに癒された/女1人旅/うさぎ率高め/travelvlog【介護士の休日】vol.2

くまともの女1人旅vlog 2,492 lượt xem 1 year ago
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久しぶりに、世界で唯一400匹のうさぎが暮らすうさぎ島、RABBIT ILANDと言われる広島県竹原市忠海にある無人島、“大久野島”へ女1人旅に行って来ました🐻


うさぎ島、RABBIT ILANDが好き、興味がある人の方にぜひ見てうさぎに癒されて欲しいです🐻



Hello, I'm Kumamoto 🐻

For the first time in a long time, I went on a solo trip to Okunoshima, an uninhabited island in Tadanoumi, Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, which is called RABBIT ILAND, the only rabbit island in the world where 400 rabbits live🐻
[A single woman in her 40s] Traveling alone in Kumamoto [Care worker's holiday] This is a sequel to Okunoshima vol.1.

It's a vlog about a woman traveling alone, but the final version of vol.3 is almost a rabbit video 😅
I love the rabbits of Okunoshima too much, so I would be happy if you could see it🐻

If you like rabbit island, RABBIT ILAND, I want people who are interested to watch it and be healed by rabbits🐻

I'm a video beginner 🔰, so I think there are many things that are hard to see, but please comment, 👍, and subscribe to the channel 🐻
