Super easy sugar-free vegan and gluten-free mango dessert! You can whip this up within 15 mins! It is really up to you how much you want to make since it is a preference for more mango, more sago, or more coconut milk. I've added a little bit of oats milk to make it more liquid so it's drinkable using a straw. (I like it half coconut milk and half oats milk so the coconut flavour doesn't overpower the mango sauce)
In this recipe, I've made 4 cups (250ml each) in total
100g sago (it's better to use the small ones)
2 large mangos (they were super ripe, so I didn't have to add any sugar but if you want you can add some sugar)
1/4 pomelo (around 300g flesh)
Coconut milk (around 100g)
Oats milk for diluting
Stay connected on Instagram @bethiethefoodie
Music Ice Tea by Not The King