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**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:12 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:07 : potong dan marinasi ayam (slicing and marinating the chicken)
02:45 : membuat bumbu halus dan masak (making and cooking the blended spices)
03:48 : haluskan cabai dan masak (blending and cooking the chili)
05:22 : masak ayam dengan bumbu (braising the chicken)
07:26 : panggang ayam (grilling the chicken)
08:40 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepAyamBakar #ResepBumbuRujak #ResepSahur #ResepRamadan #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Ayam Bakar Bumbu Rujak (untuk 6 porsi)
Bahan marinasi:
1 ekor ayam broiler @800 gr
1 buah jeruk nipis
½ sdt garam
½ sdt merica
Bahan bumbu halus:
6 siung bawang putih
10 siung bawang merah
5 butir kemiri sangrai
2 cm jahe, iris
3 cm kunyit, iris
4 cm lengkuas, iris
3 saset terasi
Bahan giling:
11 buah cabai merah
12 cabai merah keriting
6 buah cabai rawit merah
2 buah tomat merah
Bahan lainnya:
2 batang serai
3 lembar daun salam
4 lembar daun jeruk
2 sdm gula merah sisir
2-4 sdm air asam jawa
100 ml santan
300 ml air
½ sdt garam
1-2 sdm gula
1 sdt kaldu bubuk / penyedap
Jeruk limau
1. Potong ayam menjadi 6 bagian kemudian marinasi dengan perasan jeruk nipis, garam dan merica, aduk rata, diamkan selama 30 menit
2. Blender bawang putih, bawang merah, kemiri, kunyit, jahe, lengkuas, terasi dan minyak hingga halus
3. Untuk cabai giling, rebus cabai merah dan cabai keriting selama 5 menit, bilas dengan air
4. Blender tomat lalu masukkan cabai merah, cabai keriting dan cabai rawit, blender kasar, sisihkan
5. Tumis bumbu halus hingga wangi kemudian masukkan serai, daun salam dan daun jeruk, tumis hingga minyak keluar
6. Masukkan cabai giling, aduk rata lalu masukkan ayam, aduk kembali
7. Masukkan air asam jawa, gula merah, santan dan air, aduk rata
8. Tambahkan garam, gula dan kaldu bubuk, aduk rata, lalu ungkep selama 25-30 menit di api sedang kecil
9. Masukkan ayam ke dalam air fryer lalu panggang di suhu 200 derajat 10 menit
10. Masukkan ayam ke dalam bumbu, aduk rata
11. Ayam bumbu rujak siap disajikan
Rujak Grilled Chicken Recipe (yield 6 servings)
Marinating ingredients:
1 pc broiler chicken @800 g
1 pc lime
½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
Blended spices ingredients:
6 clove garlic
10 pc shallot
5 pc candlenut, toasted
2 cm ginger, sliced
3 cm turmeric, sliced
4 cm galangal, sliced
3 sachet shrimp paste
Other spices:
11 pc red chili
12 pc red curly chili
6 pc red Thai chili
2 pc red tomato
2 pc lemongrass
3 pc bay leaf
4 pc lime leaf
2 tbsp palm sugar, shaved
2-4 tbsp tamarind water
100 ml coconut milk
300 ml water
½ tsp salt
1-2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp stock powder / flavor enhancer
Lemon basil
Kaffir lime
1. Slice the chicken into 6 parts, then marinate with lime juice, salt, and pepper. Mix well and marinate for 30 minutes,
2. Blend the garlic, shallots, candlenuts, turmeric, ginger, galangal, shrimp paste, and oil until smooth.
3. For the chili, boil the red chili and red curly chili for 5 minutes. Rinse with water.
4. Blend the tomato, then add red chili, red curly chili, and Thai chili. Blend to a rough texture and set aside.
5. Sauté the blended spices until fragrant, then add lemongrass, bay leaf, and lime leaf. Sauté until the oil seeps out.
6. Add the blended chili in. Stir evenly, then add the chicken in and mix.
7. Add the tamarind water, palm sugar, coconut milk, and water. Mix well.
8. Add salt, sugar, and stock powder. Stir, then braise for 25-30 minutes on medium-low heat.
9. Add the chicken into the air fryer. Grill at 200°C for 10 minutes.
10. Add the chicken back into the spices and stir.
11. Rujak Grilled Chicken is ready to serve.
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