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Cara Meresap Sampai Dalam! Resep AYAM BAKAR KECAP TEFLON

Devina Hermawan 4,122,852 lượt xem 3 years ago
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**English description is at the bottom section.**

00:00 : intro
01:14 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:07 : cuci & bilas ayam (washing & rinsing the chicken)
02:46 : marinasi ayam (marinating the chicken)
04:02 : membuat bumbu halus dan ungkep ayam (blending the spices and braising the chicken)
06:51 : panggang ayam & terong (grilling the chicken & the eggplant)
08:14 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepAyamBakar #ResepAyamBakarKecap #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Ayam Bakar Kecap (untuk 8 porsi)

Bahan marinasi ayam:
2 ekor ayam, potong 4 bagian
2 buah jeruk nipis
1 sdt garam
1 sdt kaldu
8 sdm kecap manis
2 sdm air asam jawa, opsional

Bahan bumbu halus:
8 siung bawang putih
10 siung bawang merah
4 butir kemiri
6 cm kunyit
6 cm lengkuas
3 buah cabai merah tanjung / 8 buah cabai keriting
1 sdt ketumbar sangrai
1 sachet terasi
Minyak secukupnya

Bahan lainnya:
2 batang serai, potong, geprek
4 lembar daun salam
1 sdm margarin
½ sdt merica
1 sdt kaldu bubuk
½ sdt garam
1 sdm gula pasir
4 sdm kecap manis
700 ml air

Bahan oles:
Bumbu ungkepan
2 sdm margarin

Terong, potong
Sambal bawang (
Bawang goreng

1. Masukkan garam secukupnya dan perasan jeruk nipis ke dalam ayam, aduk rata. Diamkan 5-10 menit lalu bilas, tiriskan
2. Masukkan kecap manis, air asam jawa, garam, dan kaldu bubuk, aduk rata, tutup dengan plastik wrap lalu diamkan 3-4 jam atau semalaman di dalam kulkas
3. Haluskan bawang putih, bawang merah, kemiri, lengkuas, kunyit, ketumbar, terasi, cabai merah, dan sedikit minyak dengan blender lalu tumis hingga setengah matang
4. Masukkan serai, daun salam, merica, dan margarin tumis hingga matang kemudian masukkan ayam, aduk rata
5. Tambahkan air, kecap manis, garam, kaldu, dan gula pasir masak hingga meresap di api sedang selama 25 menit, tiriskan
6. Sisihkan bumbu ungkepan ke dalam mangkuk lalu campurkan dengan margarin, aduk rata
7. Panaskan wajan, masukkan ayam lalu oles dengan bumbu oles, panggang hingga matang
8. Untuk oven atau air fryer, panggang ayam dan terong yang telah dioles bumbu di suhu 170 derajat celcius selama 15 menit
9. Ayam bakar kecap siap disajikan dengan pelengkap


Sweet Soy Grilled Chicken Recipe (yield 8 servings)

Chicken marinade ingredients:
2 pc whole chicken, sliced into 4 pieces
2 pc lime
1 tsp salt
1 tsp stock powder
8 tbsp sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp tamarind water, optional

Blended Spices ingredients:
8 clove garlic
10 pc shallot
4 pc candlenut
6 cm turmeric
6 cm galangal
3 pc red large chili / 8 pc red curly chili
1 tsp toasted coriander
1 sachet shrimp paste
Oil, as needed

2 pc lemongrass, sliced, pounded
4 pc bay leaf
1 tbsp margarine
½ tsp pepper
1 tsp stock powder
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp sweet soy sauce
700 ml water

Grill Sauce ingredients:
Braising liquid
2 tbsp margarine

Eggplant, sliced
Shallot Sambal (
Lemon basil
Fried shallots

1. Add salt and lime juice, as needed, into the chicken and mix well. Let it rest for 5-10 minutes, then rinse and drain.
2. Add sweet soy sauce, tamarind water, salt, and stock powder. Mix well and cover with plastic wrap. Marinate for 3-4 hours or overnight in the fridge.
3. Blend the garlic, shallots, candlenuts, galangal, turmeric, coriander, shrimp paste, red chili, and some oil. Then, sauté until it’s half-cooked.
4. Add lemongrass, bay leaves, pepper, and margarine. Sauté until cooked, then add the chicken in and stir.
5. Add water, sweet soy sauce, salt, stock powder, and sugar. Cook until the liquid is absorbed on medium heat for 25 minutes. Set aside.
6. Transfer the braising liquid into a bowl and stir it with margarine.
7. Heat the pan. Add the chicken in and brush with the grill sauce. Grill until cooked.
8. For cooking in an oven or an air fryer, brush the chicken and eggplant with the grill sauce and grill at 170°C for 15 minutes.
9. Sweet Soy Grilled Chicken is ready to serve with the sides.


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