Join us as Danielle sits down with Sarah as she tells her beautiful story. Sarah is an experienced life-liver, self-taught photographer, wife, momma, sister, and in full time corporate leadership. Driven by chai tea, snacks, and love, she works hard to put her best foot forward with whatever she is creating at the moment… from memories to dinner… she does it all. As a parent and photographer, her goals include being the best momma ever to her 3 little girls and capturing timeless memories that will last a lifetime. In addition to her photography business, Sarah works a full-time corporate job at a tech company and is recognized as a great leader… because she is. And I would know because she used to be my shift manager when we were both very pregnant and worked at Starbucks… hahaha! Sarah, it was an honor to hear your story! YOU are CREATED WORTHY. The Episode Rundown: ✨ CREATING SPACE FOR HEALTHY BOUNDARIES ✨ BEING BLINDSIDED BY ADDICTION ✨ FINDING HER SISTER THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA ✨ CHOOSING THE RIGHT PHOTOGRAPHER FOR YOU ✨ CLIENT SELECTION IS NECESSARY TO CREATE THE BEST EXPERIENCE FOR ALL. + SO MUCH MORE! ➡️ FOLLOW THE NEW CREATED WORTHY INSTAGRAM ( + FACEBOOK ( PAGES ⬅️ Creative Processing Defined: Activating your creative mind to process a certain intention. If anything we talked about in this episode connected with you, I would love to hear about it! Please leave a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review so I can see it! ALSO, share it with someone else! Sharing is caring, you know… CONNECT WITH SARAH ARNOLD: Sarah’s IG: @saraharnold323 ( Photography IG: @eppicartsphotography ( Photography Website: CONNECT WITH DANIELLE: Direct Website: ( Danielle’s Personal Instagram: @danielledamrell ( Creative Collective Instagram: @DamrellCreativeCollective ( Creative Collective Facebook Page: ( 🎙 You can directly support the Created Worthy Podcast ( on Patreon ( for exclusive content and other cool stuff as the show develops! I will admit, there not much right now but I promise that if there become a community to serve on that platform, I will deliver! Patreon ( 👨👩👧 If you would like to financially support our family as we navigate the uncharted (and un-insurance-covered) waters of fertility treatments we have PayPal ( and Venmo (@Danielle-Damrell) and all the other ones as well, just send me an email if you would like to help! Donate ( ✨ The WORTHY COLLECTION still has most products available, although quantities are RUNNING LOW! Worthy Collection ( Edited & Produced By: Morgan Crawford CONTACT FOR EDITING SERVICES: (