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There is a common assumption that scoliosis patients should avoid exercises but understand that moving is important for overall body health.
The spine especially, when humans are done growing, only gets its nutrients through motion. Movement allows the discs and ligaments fluids to circulate, and the more someone moves, the more fluids circulate and irrigate spinal tissue. However, there are certain exercises that help treat scoliosis and others that could potentially worsen it.
General exercises won't affect scoliosis's curve size, though they might be good for general body health. Now, scoliosis-specific exercises prescribed for the specific curve the patient has, are designed to reduce a patient's curve and will have a positive impact on their scoliosis.
Scoliosis-specific exercises help improve posture, increase spinal muscle health, increase brain-body coordination. It also helps stimulate areas of the brain that have not been stimulated due to the abnormal spinal alignment. Most importantly, it affects the structural curvature and, combined with other therapies and bracing, can effectively help to manage a patient's scoliosis.
Exercises that are safe and recommended for scoliosis patients:
-Swimming (certain types)
Exercises that are not recommended for scoliosis patients:
The worse exercises for scoliosis patients are those that involve hyperextension and compression, such as:
-Swimming (certain techniques)
-Weight lifting
-Horseback riding
No specific data says a certain exercise can cause scoliosis, but we know that some one-sided or high strain or impact exercises can worsen patients' scoliosis and cause pain.
When a patient does corrective scoliosis exercises or scoliosis-specific exercises, these will provide the best possible outcome. With conservative treatment, the patient will have fewer restrictions, no rods or screws will be placed in their spine, and have more control over their lives in the long run.
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00:00 - Should People With Scoliosis Avoid Certain Exercises?
00:39 - How Can Exercise Affect Or Help Treatment?
01:37 - Corrective Exercises
02:24 - Scoliosis Specific Exercise
03:34 - Exercises That Are Safe For Scoliosis Patients
04:07 - Which Exercises Are Bad For Scoliosis?
04:51 - Exercises That Deal With Hyperextension
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