Scoliosis is a curved S-shape from the cervical to the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. I saw a patient with only seven cervical vertebrae and an S-shape from the thoracic to the lumbar vertebrae.
There are four factors that cause scoliosis (#scoliosis): improper sitting, prolonged standing, walking, and lying down to look at things. (01:34)
I. Improper sitting posture
Most of our people, some feet a long one short, sitting up two legs, feel more comfortable in this sitting position, but this will cause scoliosis.
Second, standing for a long time
Some people often have to stand to work, stand for a long time the foot will be sore, then he will probably let a foot to relax and rest, one to maintain standing, which is more likely to produce varicose veins, and even his ankles and knees and hips, often because of a fixed posture, and his knee joints or ankle joints, etc., will be deformed, so that the spine caused by S-shaped, that is, scoliosis.
Third, the wrong way to walk
For example, people with short and long feet or foot injuries, walking will limp, and over time will also cause spinal problems.
Some people use the side to carry a backpack, or some girls carry a bag on one shoulder, the posture looks elegant and beautiful, the problem is that the center of gravity will be biased to the side of the shoulder, can not balance will often shrugging shoulders, may also cause the posture is not correct to form scoliosis.
Fourth, lying down to look at the phone (01:34)
Thousands of remember not to lie down to read, read the phone, especially after the office workers home very tired, simply lie down on the sofa or bed to watch TV, slide the phone to relieve pressure, over time, will also cause scoliosis problems, I remember I used to have a neighbor uncle, is because of this lying down caused the entire spine bent back hunchback.
How to walk without scoliosis when you have a foot injury? (03:50)
Some people are afraid of walking because of foot pain and knee pain, so they avoid using the injured foot, which can cause scoliosis when the force is out of balance.
Many doctors will advise you how to walk or note that patients with foot pain and knee pain should not let it bend or fold, or it will become inflamed, however, foot pain and inflammation is only a moment of pain, in the long run you, your posture is not right to cause scoliosis, and this is the worse situation!
Three tips to prevent scoliosis
Walk backwards (04:55)
When you walk backwards, you look backwards. When you walk backwards, even if your neck is not turned backwards, your body will be pulled upright, which may also improve scoliosis.
II. #Walking in the pool (05:40)
The water level is about neck level, and walking at this level will also improve scoliosis. Walking in the pool will help you regain your position by the water in the pool, and the pain will be reduced at this time.
Third, lying down and twisting
Pain relief acupuncture point: #Vice Middle Point
What should I do if I have scoliosis that causes pain in my lower back? You can often press on the Zhizhong point, which is a soft flesh behind the kneecap, called popliteal flesh in Chinese medicine.
Be careful! Scoliosis may not be able to have children? (08:15)
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