To be very tasty, by all the rules to fry the chicken, you first need to scorch it, rinse it, scald it with boiling water from the inside, remove the fat from the abdomen, and cut off the gland from the top of the tail.
Salt the chicken inside, and for a pleasant smell, put a slice of lemon, onion and a few sprigs of rosemary. Tie the chicken with string, season with salt on the outside, sprinkle with oil and massage, rubbing salt and oil into the chicken skin.
Cut the fat and put it under the chicken in a frying pan. Fry on moderate heat until golden brown on all sides. Place the shallots during frying.
Transfer the chicken to a baking dish, place lemon and rosemary under the chicken.
Bake under foil for 40-50 minutes, turning from side to side and pouring over the released fat and juices every ten minutes.
Fry porcini mushrooms for a side dish on some of the strained fat, and pour over the chicken with oil after the mushrooms.
Perfect Chicken Garnish - French Fries - here is another great chicken recipe
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