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சீர்ப்படுத்துவார் | SEERPADUTHTHUVAAR | THE PROMISE 2022

Family Channel 17,656,935 lượt xem 3 years ago
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Seerpaduthuvaar is a promise song for this New Year 2022 featuring Dr.Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Samuel Dhinakaran, Stella Ramola, Ps. Alwin Thomas, Ps. John Jebaraj, Ps. Gersson Edinbaro, Ps. Benny Joshua, Bro. Zac Robert, Cherie Mitchelle and Ps. Jasmin Faith. All these people of God, reminiscing all their personal experiences, sing how majestically God can build up and restore your life amidst all the sorrow as per the bible verse from 1 Peter 5:10. Even when problems seem to appear like mountains on your front, they will melt in the presence of the Lord. Sing along to feel His presence and experience His greatness in your life!

A ‘True Friend’ Production
Music Credits:
Lyrics and Tune - Ps. John Jebaraj
Music production - Derrick Paul (Quenchsoundstudios)
Music producer and arranger - Derrick Paul
Veenai - Haritha
Flutes - Jotham
Indian percussions - Kiran
Guitars - Godfrey Immanuel
Rhythm programing - Derrick Paul
Recording Engineer - Jacob Daniel
Live instruments recorded @ Oasis Studio Recorded by Prabhu Immanuel
Melodyne by David selvam
Mix and master - David selvam @ Berachah studios

Video Credits:
Video production - Efi James Stephanas, NEJO PRODUCTION and Team
Production Asst. - Madhan Sam, Joseph Antony
Photography - Augustin Samraj
Graphic Art - K Anil
Special thanks - Jesus Calls Media staff

#seerpaduthuvaar #thepromise2022 #FamilyChannel #NewYearsong #newyear2022 #DrPaulDhinakaran #EvangelinePaulDhinakaran #SamuelDhinakaran #StellaRamola #AlwinThomas #JohnJebaraj #GerssonEdinbaro #BennyJoshua #ZacRobert #CherieMitchelle #JasminFaith #tamilchristiansong #newtamilchristiansong #tamilchristiansong2022
