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Hello, in this video, I will show you how to use the Google Play Billing Library to start selling IN-APP products on your apps.
We’ll go over how to
Add IN APP products to your app from the Google Play Console.
Launch a Purchase Flow UI to allow users purchase the item
Verify the purchase with a Back-end server using Firebase Cloud Functions and the Firestore Database
Acknowledge the purchase to finalize and receive payments
And then we’ll unlock the product so the user purchase the item again
0:00 - Start of Video
0:33 - Implementing the Google Play Billing Library
1:28 - Setting up for Testing
6:22 - Adding In-App Products
8:09 - Displaying the Items
16:17 - Launching the Purchase Flow
17:49 - Verifying the Purchase with Back-end
19:58 - Creating a Cloud Functions Project
28:00 - Communicating with Cloud Functions using the Request URL with Volley
32:41 - Acknowledging the Purchases using acknowledgePurchase()
36:03 - Acknowledging and Unlock the Purchases using consumeAsync()
38:02 - Handling Purchases while the App is closed
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