I am happy to report that Shin Megami Tensei V is NOT… the ironically-titled Dark Souls of RPGs. It’s actually pretty amazing. Maybe like the Dark Souls of Persona 5?
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Sound Test - SMT III Nocturne
Common Battle (Town) - SMT III Nocturne
Jouin High School - SMT V
It’s Showtime! - Undertale
Battle (Shiva) - SMT V
Gallery - Danganronpa V3
Tokyo Daybreak - SMT V
Blood of Villain - Persona 5
DLC Theme BGM112 - SMT V
Da’at Ginza - SMT V
Battle (Da’at) - SMT V
Battle (humans, demons, and…) - SMT V
Shinagawa (Konan 3rd Block) - SMT V
Meteor Herd - Sonic Adventure 2