The most popular crop in my hometown in the past few years must be purple garlic, which is exported to many countries and regions in Europe with good quality. With its large size, thin skin and thick flesh, and spicy taste, garlic is inseparable from every meal for my family. We add several cloves of garlic to any dish to make it taste good.
※Click "cc" on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language.
0:30——和阿太一起挖大蒜 | Digging for garlic with grandma
4:12——晾晒紫皮大蒜 | Dried Purple Garlic
6:01——水豆豉拌新蒜 | Fermented Soya Beans Stirred with Fresh Garlic
6:50——新蒜番茄汤 | Tomato Soup with Fresh Garlicuice
9:45——油蒜稀豆粉 | Garlic Oil Xidoufeng
12:25——蒜香卤肘子 | Marinated Pig's Foot with Garlic Sauce
13:00——猪肚包蒜 | Garlic Wrapped with Pork Tripe
14:30——蒜蓉酱 | Minced Garlic Sauce
15:00——蒜蓉蒸大虾 | Steamed Prawns with Minced Garlic
18:00——蒜粒裹排骨 | Spare Ribs Wrapped with Minced Garlic
22:57——阿盆姐的聊天 | Apenjie's chat
Hello, everyone! I am Dianxi Xiaoge, a Yunnan native. If you enjoy my videos, please keep subscribing to my channel.
I'll continue to share my life and Yunnan-styled food in my uploads. Wish you have a happy life and enjoy tasty food every day.
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